Curriculum & Practicum Training

Broadly, our goals reflect our strong research training, our commitment to evidence-based principles of clinical practice, and our program’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. We provide culturally-informed coursework and research training along with clinical opportunities with economically and socioculturally diverse populations. Six specific goals are outlined for each student: 

  1. To gain breadth of knowledge about the discipline of Psychology (discipline-specific knowledge) and advanced integrative training across multiple areas within Psychology
  2. To gain depth of knowledge in Clinical Psychology (profession-wide competencies), and demonstrate competence in using evidence-based practice with a cultural lens allowing students to effectively serve a wide range of clients
  3. To gain competency in the formation of research questions, selection of methods, analysis of data, interpretation of results, and dissemination strategies
  4. To integrate science and practice through the use of evidence-based approaches, including an iterative evaluation process in ongoing therapy, to provide effective treatment for psychological and other health-related problems, and to understand the application of research findings to practice or policy
  5. To demonstrate respect for individual and cultural difference in the practice of clinical psychology as a researcher, educator, and clinician 
  6. To engage in professionally responsible and ethical behavior as a life-long learner and member of a professional community 

Our evaluation tools assessing minimum competencies in research, clinical and professional behavior domains, modeled after the Competency Assessment toolkit (Kaslow et al 2009), reflect these goals. Our program prepares all students to be internship-ready, which in turn, facilitates readiness for post-doctoral training and a transition to successful career in health service psychology (HSP).