- News
Silvia is President-Elect of APA Division 10
Dr. Paul Silvia has been named the President-Elect of Division 10 of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. This society promotes interdisciplinary scholarship that falls into three primary topics: creativity, the arts, and subjective impressions of the arts. Silvia has conducted extensive work in these areas,
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Wisco named “Rising Star” in Clinical Science
Dr. Blair Wisco has been named a “Rising Star” in Clinical Science by the Association for Psychological Science. Wisco earned a PhD in clinical psychology at Yale University in 2011, after which she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Center for PTSD in Boston, MA. She joined the Department of Psychology as an Assistant
- Student Stories
Graduate student Chatley wins prestigious Pufall Award
Graduate student Naomi Chatley (Advisor: Dr. Stuart Marcovitch) was selected to receive the Pete Pufall Emerging Scholar’s Travel Award of the Jean Piaget Society in May, 2014. Awards are given to promising scholars to support the dissemination of their research at the society’s annual meeting. The theme of this year’s meeting was “Rethinking Language and
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Research Excellence Awards for Kane and Silvia
Two Psychology Department faculty have won the two highest research awards at UNCG. Dr. Michael Kane was named this year’s recipient of the UNCG Senior Faculty Research Excellence Award. His research program centers on attention and working memory, with particular emphasis on individual differences using a variety of methodologies (experimental, correlational, experience sampling). Dr. Paul
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Stein Awarded 2014-2015 Candace Bernard and Robert Glickman Dean’s Professorship
The Bernard-Glickman professorship is awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences to Assistant Professors in recognition of “outstanding accomplishments as a member of our faculty and the demonstration of great promise for the future.” Dr. Gabriela Stein was nominated for her outstanding research in Latino mental health, and for the study of depression and
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Graduate student Gates wins University Fellowship
The Joseph Bryan Jr. Fellowship for 2014-15 has been awarded to Charlotte Gates, a graduate student in clinical psychology (Advisor: Dr. Thomas Kwapil). This award acknowledges academic achievement and commitment to professional development, and is given to a distinguished graduate student in the PhD program. Congratulations, Charlotte!
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New Headship and Associate Headship to begin in Fall, 2014
Dr. Stuart Marcovitch has been named the incoming Department Head of Psychology and will assume this role on August 1, 2014. Dr. Julia Mendez Smith has been named the Associate Head.
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Psychology department confers student awards
Two graduate students in the clinical program, Catherine Majestic (Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kari Eddington) and Ali Cupito (Faculty Advisor: Dr. Gabriela Stein), have been awarded the Duffy Award for excellence in research and scholarship for the 2014-2015 academic year. Georgina Gross (Advisor: Dr. Thomas Kwapil) of the clinical program and Roger Beaty (Advisor: Dr. Paul Silvia)
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Julia Mendez Smith awarded DHHS Grant
Dr. Julia Mendez Smith is part of a team of researchers awarded a grant by the DHHS Administration on Children and Families to fund a National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families. This project grew out of a research group that was supported by the UNCG Child and Family Research Network. Over the next
- News
Clinical Students’ Internship Match Rate is 100%!
Once again, 100% of our clinical students matched for predoctoral internship training. Nneka Morris will be completing her internship at the University of Florida Health Sciences Center. Diana Westerberg will be completing her internship at Harvard Medical Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Both of these students also recently passed the EPPP, the examination required for licensure