Why Psychology?

Psychology is a discipline that can prepare you for a number of career paths. Some graduates pursue advanced studies in psychology, counseling, law, medicine, education, nursing, and other disciplines focused on human behavior. Others enter the workforce immediately, contributing their skills in health care, government, teaching professions, or research settings.

Whether you choose a career in psychology or decide to pursue another type of profession, our program will prepare you in terms of fostering your speaking, writing, analytical thinking, creativity, and ability to relate to other people.

Hear from recent graduates


Juliana Hicks ’17

Program Manager, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Juliana Hicks
Emily Paschal


Emily Paschal ’18

Research Project Manager, MRI-Simmons


McKayla Bohannon ’19

Senior Admission Advisor for First-Generation Students and College Access, Georgia Institute of Technology

McKayla Bohannon

Career outlook

group of students sit in a classroom

There are many careers for those with all types of psychology degrees!  

With a B.A. or B.S. in psychology, you can:

  • Work as a research assistant or project manager
  • Work in community-based organizations supporting other
  • Work in human resources or other business settings
  • Work in schools 

To provide therapy or mental health support, you will need to get a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, Clinical Psychology, or Clinical Social Work. A psychology degree prepares you well for these programs.

You can also continue on the research path an obtain an M.A. in Experimental Psychology and contribute to data analytics, project evaluation,  research management, and may other paths.

For more paths in psychology, visit the American Psychological Association website.