- Alumni
Marcinowski enjoys grant success in Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Emily Marcinowski is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Physical Therapy at Virginia Commonwealth University. Emily earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at UNCG in 2015 under the direction of Dr. George Michel in the Infant Development Center. Her research program focuses on the way in which emerging motor skills affect cognition
- News
Mendez Smith appointed Fellow for Campus Climate
We are very proud to announce that Dr. Julie Mendez Smith has been named the inaugural Chancellor’s Fellow for Campus Climate. Dr. Mendez Smith, Associate Professor of Psychology, will serve in this position at 50% time for two years. She will work with the Chancellor’s Office and other campus partners to create strategies, develop new
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New Staff Position Available
Position Opening: Building & Facilities Operations Manager The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, in conjunction with the Departments of Biology and Psychology are seeking a building manager for the Patricia Sullivan Science and Eberhart Buildings. The two buildings which are connected, include approximately 242,000 square feet of classroom, office and Chemistry / Biology/ Psychology research
- Events
Psychology Summer Food Drive
Dr. Jeni Pathman has organized a summer Food Drive! Please show your support and help us feed hungry children in our community by donating non-perishable food items to BackPack Beginnings. Contributions can be dropped off in Eberhart Building. Details here.
- News
Baker to present new paper in APA invited address
Dr. Levi Baker has a forthcoming paper, “Remaining in a situationally aggressive relationship: The role of relationship self-efficacy” in the journal Personal Relationships.* The paper examines the role of self-efficacy, or beliefs about perceived capability, in the maintenance of relationships that are subject to situational violence. Baker will present this work as part of an
- News
Baeten and Wisco present research on Capitol Hill
Psychology Major Amanda Baeten and her faculty mentor, Dr. Blair Wisco, traveled to Washington, DC in April 2016 to participate in “Posters on the Hill.” Their research presentation on “How Rumination Affects Emotions” was one of a select few chosen nationally for display to Members of Congress to promote awareness about the importance of federal funding
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Payir offered Boston U/Harvard Postdoc
Congratulations to developmental psychology graduate student Ayse Payir, who will begin a postdoctoral research position with Drs. Kathleen Corriveau (Boston University) and Paul Harris (Harvard University) in Fall, 2016. Ayse will work on a cross-cultural project that is aimed at understanding spirituality and religiosity in young children. Ayse is currently finishing her doctoral dissertation and
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Psi Chi takes 1st Place at SEPA Diversity Quiz Bowl
Our very own chapter of Psi Chi traveled to New Orleans in March, 2016, to attend the Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, where several of the members presented research projects conducted in collaboration with our department faculty. During the visit, students competed in the “Diversity Quiz Bowl” and bested over 20 other teams nationally to take
- Alumni
Professors, practitioners, and parents
We are delighted to feature two alumni from our clinical psychology graduate program, Drs. Jessica Kaczorowski and Taylor Smith, who also happen to be a married couple. Jessica and Taylor met while they were graduate students in the program, got married in 2011, and are now the proud parents of 16-month-old Lyle. Since Fall, 2014,
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Graduate Alumnus wins Dissertation Prize
Dr. David Frank has won the 2015 George and Beatrice Goldman Fisher Gerontology Dissertation Prize for his research on “Aging and Task Representation Updating.” This prize of $1000 is awarded to the best UNCG dissertation in a gerontology-related discipline that advances improvement in the quality of life of elderly people. David is an alumnus of